Schreiner Medipharm introduces new multifunctional label



To improve the convenience and efficiency of global clinical trials, Schreiner MediPharm has developed a new specialized label for infusion bottles: the combination of the “Pharma-Tac” suspension label and product descriptions in different languages. .

The label design is intended to provide research-driven pharmaceutical companies with a labeling solution that offers greater flexibility and reliability for international clinical trials.

For the new Pharma-Tac Plus label with integrated booklet, Schreiner MediPharm’s clinical trials procurement team, specializing in solutions for clinical research, combined the strong Pharma-Tac label tag with a booklet multi-page paper. The hook is an integral part of the label. In a “simple and user-friendly” way, it is separated from the label and folded up to hang the infusion bottle there. The Multi-Page Label Booklet is securely attached to the base label and can be opened and closed again with a tab. It is customizable and offers space for multilingual product information.

The hanger label and booklet combination can be tailored for different sizes of vials and bottles, and the number of booklet pages can be customized to meet customer requirements.

“The product solution provides pharmaceutical companies and CROs (Contract Research Organizations) with a convenient and flexible label that effectively supports them in the conduct of their international clinical trials. Healthcare professionals benefit from the new labeling solution.


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